Pre-Semester Reflection

My intended major is Nuclear medicine technology in hopes of becoming a nuclear medicine technologist. I feel as though this would be a good job for me because I have great communication skills that would help patients be more at ease during the procedure and I am skilled in science which is something that I will be using very often in this major and throughout my profession. I know that for careers in the health professions it is important to get experience beforehand and although I currently do not have any experience that would relate to my major or profession, I am looking forward to doing internships in the future.

Being in a career in the health professions is an important role in society and that is why I think it is important to make sure that I can be the best at what I do. An important part of every career is having a good work setting where you can be productive. In my chosen career I would prefer to work in a setting that is not too chaotic so that I can be more precise in my work and not be rushing all of the time. I would also like to work in a setting where I can interact with people but I also do work alone and that is why I think this profession will be great for me. I believe that another part of excelling is setting a career goal. My career goal in five to ten years from now would be to have advanced in my career and to have taken at least one opportunity to travel and work somewhere else in the world during my profession 

Although,while nuclear medicine is important to me right now , I know that the future can be unpredictable at times and that I should also take note of the fact that I may possibly want to change my major throughout my college career. In order to get an idea of what majors i would possibly be interested in changing my major to, I took a quiz that evaluated my preferences in an attempt to give me a glimpse into what other careers would possibly interest me.

None of the majors on the list at the end of the quiz particularly interested me but if i had to choose i would probably choose risk management & insurance, Elementary education and professional writing.

Now that I have fully evaluated my education track and career path, I would like to reflect on what techniques I use to be successful throughout my academic career and go through some of the differences between high school and college. I believe that the biggest difference from high school to college will probably be the fact that I won’t be having all of my classes back to back anymore and i’ll have more free time but i’ll have to learn how to manage it without any help from others or constant reminders. I think that time management will be my biggest challenges this semester as well as forming good study habits and trying to figure out what works for me. I plan to manage my assignments by making sure I write things down in my planner and using a calendar if I need to. I plan to balance my various commitments by spending time with my family on the weekend and spending time with my friends after I’m done doing work or by doing work with them that way I am getting two things done at once. I will also most likely not be getting a job very soon just to give myself time to adjust. 

One of the most important factors in determining how successful you are in your coursework is practice and repetition through studying and completing homework. I think studying and homework are essentially the same because you are just going over previously learned topics although, I feel as though homework is more about reteaching you if you didn’t understand and making sure that you can grasp the subject  and studying is more about making sure you can recall the information . As of now I don’t have very much information that I can study in my classes but if I did I think that I would study for an hour or two for each class. I think that I will be doing the most studying in chemistry because it is a subject that takes me a while to learn. A huge part of studying is having a good working environment; therefore, I will most likely study in the community room or at the library.

 There are also obstacles that you will face when studying and for me,my main distractions are my phone and other people. I plan to avoid this by studying alone when I can and putting my phone on “do not disturb” or not having it near me while I work. It is also important to set a specific time to study and the best times for me to study are in the morning or late afternoon because it’s not so busy and it’s quieter. I also think that reading things through once and then writing notes works well for me and also using flash cards or studying with someone. Another technique could be to use different study techniques to see what works best for you. Although I personally don’t use different study techniques for each class, I just use what I know works best for me as long as it applies but for classes like math and science, going over my work and practicing it with examples is more efficient than using flash cards or re-writing notes.

 Another important factor in college is making sure you are taking advantage of your academic resources. One academic resource I could use at ODU to help me earn “A’s ” this semester would be the writing center and one resource that I can use throughout school that is not related to academics would be the counseling services. One resource that I think that I will use this semester is the writing enter or the math and science resource center 

Other than academics one important factor in college is having a social life.In high school I was in chorus for three years and it helped me be more social. I know there are things that I could join in college to help expand my social skills, but there aren’t any clubs or organizations I plan to join this semester because I want time to adjust. In conclusion, I just hope that I will have a successful year in college and I am looking forward to new opportunities.