Parents as teachers is the program I am evaluating. They offer in home help from parent educators to families with children of the age less than five.
Questions for Parents
1) What resources have been the most beneficial and least beneficial while enrolled?
2) Since enrolled have your concerns been addressed to your liking?
3) Does the program meet your expectations?
4) In what way would you change the Parents as Teachers program?
5) Are you able to share discomfort and not have repercussions taken out on you?
Questions for Parent Educators.
1) Do you feel like the program is beneficial to the families serviced?
2) Financially, do you see where funds raised for the program benefit the clients and well being of the program?
3) In what areas would you change interaction with the client or the organization?
4) Do you feel safe with the current standings of the program?
5) Is there an effective way to share your concerns and see action taken on them?
Two questions were chosen based on peer feedback and instructor feedback.