Webinar – Transferable Skills


Transferable Skills: Learn to Talk about What You Do Instead of What You Know

Identifying transferable skills can be one of the most difficult processes in preparing for a job search. PhDs are trained to talk about what they know, not what they do. Employers want to know what you can do for their organization and hire based on a combination of skills, knowledge, and experience. Once you can identify the skills you have that are in demand by employers of interest, you can begin to write professional documents, network, and prepare for interviews.

In this webinar by Beyond the Professoriate, you will learn how to:

  • Conduct a Skills Inventory to identify the skills and abilities you have learned during your graduate education
  • Identify key skills and core competencies employers are looking for
  • Communicate your skills and subject matter expertise in a way that makes sense to employers

This webinar was originally held on May Monday, May 21, 2018. The recording of the webinar is available in the Career Pathways events archive here: https://vs.prod.odu.edu/kvs/interface_reach/?cid=201510_PreparingFutureFacultyVS_94013

Webinar worksheets are resources can be downloaded here (must have ODU account to access).