All conference participants are welcomed to submit a final version of their paper for publication in proceedings. For inclusion, papers must be fewer than 8000 words and not previously published.
Proceedings will be published in the ODU Digital Commons. All papers will be assigned a DOI and available in open-access format. Submissions for proceedings should be sent to dwittkow [at] odu [dot] edu prior to July 1, and may be formatted according to any major style (APA, IEEE, MLA, etc.) depending on your preference and disciplinary norms.
Inclusion in proceedings is fully optional, as we realize participants may be presenting work under consideration elsewhere, work which is intended for submission elsewhere, or work which participants may not wish to include in proceedings for other reasons.
Two journals will also organize and publish special issues of papers from CEPE 2019: Ethics and Information Technology and The Journal of Sociotechnical Critique (a new journal to be officially launched mid-April). Special issue editors will invite submissions from selected authors after the conference, prior to July 1, and publication will be contingent upon successful blind peer review of full papers.