In the TED Talk, Davin Teo speaks about what digital forensics is, how he found his unique digital forensics, and the experiences that he went through while working in this field. In the speech, he covers some of the duties that digital forensic investigators do which include collecting data from devices, analyzing it, and reporting…
Author: dhale002
Unawarable Illegal Activities That We Do Online
In the blog article, Andriy Slynchuk has described eleven things Internet users do that may be illegal. The 11 things are using unofficial streaming services, torrent services, copyrighted images, sharing passwords, addresses, or photos of others, bullying and trolling, recording a volP call without consent, faking your identity, other people’s networks, extracting audio from YouTube,…
Bug Bounty Policies
In this article, Sridhar and Ng conducted a study based on bug bounty programs and how they might develop an economic model for these programs by using HackerOne’s statistical data about vulnerabilities and vulnerability reports. The methodology they conducted was leveraging and using the identification strategy for further observation of HackerOne’s data. From these two…
Economics and Social Science
In some ways, economics helps cyber professionals understand cyber attacks from a monetary perspective. In economics, there are a couple of theories that explain how economies work. Also in some ways, social science helps cyber professionals understand cyber attacks from a behavioral perspective and the theories from this field further explain social and behavioral aspects…
Social Cybersecurity
In the world today, there’s information warfare going on between numerous countries around the globe to promote propaganda, more division, and opposing views against countries that are peaceful. However, with the help of social cybersecurity, this would provide a better understanding of information and strategies to prevent further disinformation or misinformation in the media. Social…
Social Media Disorder Scale
The Social Media Disorder Scale is a nine-item scale that measures problematic social media use (SMU) among adolescents. After taking the survey, I’ve scored 1/9. Although I am addicted to social media, I don’t stay on it as much because there are other things to do to keep me occupied. All the items on the…
The Media and Cybersecurity
Hollywood movies that are cyber-based often depict hacking as a cool aesthetic; however, the actions of the hackers seem to give the audience a misinterpretation of what hacking or cybersecurity actually is. Of course for the majority of the audience, we wouldn’t know what command or what device is real in cyber-based movies. This is…
Human Systems Integration
When you report a suspicious email and it says congratulations you passed the phishing test from the IT team Human Systems Integration (HSI) is a transdisciplinary sociotechnical and management approach to systems engineering used to ensure that a system’s technical, organizational, and human elements are appropriately addressed across the whole system lifecycle, service or enterprise…
Individual Motives & Cybersecurity
Reading from every aspect of individual motives, a few of them are trending today. The motives that drive the hackers are Entertainment, Political, Revenge, Boredom, Recognition, Money, and Multiple Reasons. The ones I believe should earn the number one rank are Political, Money, and Multiple Reasons. These make the most sense out of the other…
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
The Hierarchy of Needs is a concept or theory by Maslow that explains that our actions are motivated by certain physiological and psychological needs that progress from basic to complex. This involves five levels of needs which are self-actualization, esteem needs, belongingness and love needs, safety needs, and physiological needs. How this relates to my…