Andriy Slynchuk wrote a blog about 11 Illegal Things You Unknowingly Do on the Internet. Out of 11 things, the five most serious cases would be Using Unofficial Streaming Services, Using Copyrighted Images, Extracting Audio From YouTube, Collecting Information about Children, Faking Your Identity Online, and Using Other People’s Internet Networks. Using Unofficial Streaming Services…
Category: Journal Entry
Getting paid to hunt bugs?
A bug bounty is a program hosted by various companies to locate vulnerabilities affecting the software and end user. The “bugs” varies from different levels. For example, some bugs can have a high vulnerability risk, whereas a minor bug only affects the content display. Therefore, a bug bounty is less expensive than a lawsuit and…
Human system integration is based on human action. So programmers and developers have a hard time figuring out what the user needs and utilizing the needs to create an ease-of-use application. For example, I had a simple conversation between a client and a programmer in the meme. The end user (client) tends to do things…
Social Cybersecurity: An Emerging National Security Requirement
Social cybersecurity is a growing risk for future warfare. Social cybersecurity is ‘humans using technology to “hack” other humans.’ The purpose of social cybersecurity is to disrupt the trust between the government and the people. It is also good to consider the viewpoint of the people when going to war. Through manipulating public opinion, a…
Cybersecurity Analyst About Social Behaviors
A cybersecurity analyst is an entry-level job that requires employees to monitor the network, respond to incidents, help with IT issues, and more. An employer’s ideal employee would be a person with an outstanding resume and certifications such as CompTIA Security+ and CompTIA CYSA+. The demand for cybersecurity analysts is high, but the supply is…
Social Media Disorder Scale
Social Media Disorder Scale by PsyToolkit I scored 2.0 on the Social Media Disorder (SMD) Scale when I took the test. I find the questions to be quite interesting. Some questions were about social life, and some were about personal feelings. Some people would lie on this scale because they think “it’s not that bad.”…
How Real Is Hacking In Media?
Media can change people’s perspectives without a doubt. They can tell stories that are neutral or biased. They are a crucial factor when communicating technology to society. They can change the viewpoint of society from one point to another. For example, movies can have Visual Effects to illustrate the difficulty of hacking. However, they don’t…
Spot the Difference: Real Website VS. Fake Website
Question: Can we create three fake and three real websites and ask them to spot the difference? Short answer, yes. It is pretty easy to duplicate a website with the right tools. However, it’s not always easy for people who do not have technical knowledge about hosting, programming languages, and request workflow. Below are steps…
Ranking Hacker’s Motives
Multiple Reason For money Recognition Entertainment Boredom Political Revenge Multiple reasons can be a combination of different motives, and I think it’s what motivates hackers. They hack to gain recognition while earning money. Furthermore, I put money in second place because most hacks today are for monetary gain. Most news about hacking is ransomware or…
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Instruction Review Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and explain how each levelrelates to your experiences with technology. Then, give specific examples ofhow your digital experiences relate to each level of need. What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? Psychological Needs Psychological needs are things that we need to survive. For me, it would be news and communicating…