Blog #10

When reflecting back on blog #1 I thought it was crazy how different I was thinking between the beginning of the class all the way to where we currently are. I feel like I did a good job of achieving the course objectives. My attitude towards Social Psychology is the same, where it allowed me to get a better understanding of why people in society do and act in certain ways. The only thing that I would do differently if I took the class again would be to make sure I stayed up to date on the readings and to try to get an even deeper understanding of the various topics. I have grown academically over the last few months by learning topics that I am now able to relate to my personal life. One skill I have gained from this course that I can utilize in my professional life is the ability clearly and efficiently read social cues that may not be seen or noticed by the average person.

I chose this image because it was part of the skill that I was able to obtain while taking this course which was reading social cues which includes facial expressions that a typical person would not be looking for or know to look for.

Difference of motion intensity between micro and macro expression -happiness (line 1), disgust (line 2), from CASME II [2] and MMI [3], respectively micro and macro expression datasets.

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