Top Artifacts

Top Artifacts #2:

The artifact I chose was in module 9 which the activity was comparing different ads looking for a partner or significant other between men and women. To which findings concurred that men are looking for attractive younger women and women are looking for older men who are financially stable. While I also found those same results. I like this activity because it was something I could easily look up on any site or app and find the same results. I also like this activity because I can also see myself making a similar post that points to the common trends between the two genders.

I learned a lot about this activity because it shows that even though we might not actually comprehend that we have these biases we can definitely see them from anyone and everyone. I chose this image below because it was one of the ads that I came across that expressed exactly what Hayes concluded in his study. This lady was looking for a male associate to which her requirements were that they were independent, had a stable job, and have a Culinary Degree or be able to cook well.

Top Artifacts #1:

The artifact that I chose was in module 4 which referred to the Are We Scaring Ourselves to Death video which I had appreciated very much. I enjoyed this activity because it showed the reality of how people let what they see through the media and let it get such a grip on the way they think and their total psyche. Another thing that I enjoyed about this assignment is that the video shows the biases that media coverage does and the people tend to overthink it while the media exaggerates the rate at which those disasters occur.

Something that I learned from this activity is the group mentality that is very present in today’s society and how it changes the way people think about certain things. I also learned that to some the numbers from the media are obviously exaggerated but to others, they are the actual and factual number to which the events occur. This activity expanded my knowledge on the topic because it gave me a unique view of how the people and media interact and influence each other’s thoughts, actions, and mentality.

I chose this image because it is an example of some numbers that can be exaggerated. Another reason is that it shows how the media presents its information by making the negative big, bold, and stand out from the rest of the scene.