Developed for CTE Virginia – Business and Information Technology Cluster
Suggested Grade Level: 9 or 10
Information Technology Fundamentals introduces the essential technical and professional skills
required for students to pursue programs leading to professional careers and information
technology certifications. The course introduces skills related to digital technology, digital
applications, maintenance/upgrading/troubleshooting, and networking fundamentals. Students
also explore ethical issues related to computers and Internet technology and examine web page
and game design.
ITF Tasks 39 – 57 – Mastering Digital Technology Basics
39 Investigate the history and emerging advances of digital technology.
40 Describe the effect of digital technology on business and society.
41 Describe software associated with information systems.
42 Explore binary concepts and their operations in the digital technology world.
43 Describe the evolution of the Internet and how it works.
44 Investigate emerging technologies as they relate to the future of the Internet.
45 Investigate trends in digital technology.
46 Examine social, ethical, and legal issues associated with digital technology.
47 Debate an ethical issue related to using computer and Internet technology.
ITF Tasks 48 – 51 – Using Digital Applications
48 Create documents related to real-world business situations.
49 Create a relational database for a real-world business situation.
50 Create spreadsheets for a real-world business situation.
51 Create presentations related to a real-world business situation.
ITF Tasks 52 – 61 – Investigating Computer Fundamentals
52 Identify the parts of a computer system and the relationships among its components.
53 Describe characteristics and functions of CPUs.
54 Explain the functions and characteristics of system expansion devices.
55 Demonstrate the use of connectivity devices and peripheral equipment.
56 Perform basic operations in an operating system environment.
57 Manage various file types.
58 Describe the computer start-up sequence.
59 Compare operating systems.
60 Investigate needs affecting system purchases and upgrade decisions.
61 Investigate the building stages of a computer.
ITF Tasks 62 – 72 – Maintaining, Upgrading, and Troubleshooting Computers
62 Describe the importance of system maintenance and preventive measures.
63 Install hardware in a computer system.
64 Install software programs.
65 Explain the purpose of anti-X software.
66 Identify problems associated with computer hardware, operating systems, and application software.
67 Describe risk-mitigation techniques.
68 Identify security risks inherent to computer hardware and software.
69 Describe security best practices for businesses.
70 Describe the importance of data backup media and strategies.
71 Backup files.
72 Evaluate remote connection troubleshooting.
IT Tasks 73 – 76 – Exploring Network Fundamentals
73 Investigate networks and their evolution.
74 Explain networking concepts and different network structures.
75 Compare peer-to-peer and client-server networks.
76 Describe the differences between analog and digital technologies.
ITF Tasks 77 – 84 – Exploring Internet Fundamentals
77 Identify the necessary elements that are required to connect to the Internet.
78 Describe the concept of IP addresses and the Domain Name System (DNS).
79 Explain the delivery methods of ISPs.
80 Compare the types and features of various web browsers.
81 Explain file transfer mechanisms.
82 Exhibit principles of digital citizenship.
83 Identify criteria for conducting searches on the Internet.
84 Assess the effect and value of available firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS).
ITF Tasks 85 – 91 – Exploring Programming
85 Explain the purpose and functions of computer programming.
86 Identify the types of programming languages.
87 Explain the steps in a program life cycle.
88 Design a simple program for a specific application.
89 Create a simple computer program.
90 Execute a simple program.
91 Document a simple program.
ITF Tasks 92-95 – Exploring Web Page Design
92 Investigate design elements of professionally developed websites.
93 Analyze the navigation of a website for ease of use.
94 Create a website.
95 Investigate publishing a website.
ITF Tasks 96 – 100 Exploring Graphics and Interactive Media
96 Identify hardware required for multimedia and entertainment presentations.
97 Identify software programs associated with graphics and interactive media.
98 Explore the components of multimedia design and their applications.
99 Explore digital technology as it relates to game design and development.
100 Create an interactive multimedia presentation.
ITF Tasks 101 – 104 – Preparing for Industry Certification
101 Describe the process and requirements for obtaining industry certifications related to the IT Fundamentals course.
102 Identify testing skills/strategies for a certification examination.
103 Demonstrate ability to successfully complete selected practice examinations.
104 Complete an industry certification examination representative of skills learned in this course.
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