Dr. Phil Berke presented his research at the February 1st CCPO-ICAR seminar. His seminar was titled “Integrated Resilience Planning: Bridging Deep Divides That Threaten Our Future.” You can access the video of Dr. Berke’s presentation here.

Learn more about the Center for Coastal and Physical Oceanography (CCPO) and Institute for Coastal Adaptation and Resilience (ICAR) Seminar Series: http://www.ccpo.odu.edu/seminar.html


Urban planner, Phil Berke, discusses how planning for resilience of diverse urban systems is one of the most significant and persistent challenges worldwide. He outlines how a major barrier to achieving more resilient cities is the poor integration of individual planning efforts that govern urban systems.  He discusses how application of Plan Integration of Resilience Scorecard in several cities involved a partnership between university experts and local government staff to assess the degree to which networks of local plans are coordinated and target hazardous areas. The application process enabled a team of local plan evaluators to learn about the diverse values, priorities and rules of different city agencies, and the scope and purpose of the network of plans. Information generated by the scorecard improved local ability to ask crucial policy questions about goals and priorities and enabled better integrated policies and implementation actions. 


Philip Berke’s research centers on the factors affecting communities’ resilience to hazards and climate change. He particularly focuses on methods, theory and metrics of planning and implementation. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, and 10 books. He is the lead co-author of an internationally recognized book, Urban Land Use Planning (5th Edition), which focuses on integrating principles of sustainable communities into urban form, and co-author of a book, Natural Hazard Mitigation: Recasting Disaster Policy and Planning, which was selected as one of the “100 Essential Books in Planning” of the 20th century by the American Planning Association Centennial Great Books. Two of his publications received the Best Article Award and one an Honorable Mention Award from the American Planning Association. Berke currently serves on multiple advisory boards, such as the Resilient America Program of the National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine, and the National Science Foundation’s Social Science Extreme Events Reconnaissance Platform.   

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