After surveying in the Hampton Roads area for two days, I was not able to make many significant observations. Having participated in door to door surveying efforts in the past, I was not astonished by Hampton residents’ reactions to our… Continue Reading →
(by DaChawn Kincaid) My time here is coming to a close. However, the experience that I have received will more than likely resonate with me for the rest of my academic career. Over this time I have been exposed to… Continue Reading →
(by DaChawn Kincaid) Over the course of my time here at ODU I have been researching the concept of resilience. As my final task I was asked to present my findings and engage in conversation afterwards. During my presentation I… Continue Reading →
In June 2018, the Joint Forces Staff College/National Defense University hosted a Homeland Security Planners Course at ODU. The 3-day course was held at the ODU Tri-Cities Center and the Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center (VMASC). DaChawn was allowed… Continue Reading →
(By DaChawn Kincaid) On May 31, 2018 I and many others had the privilege of attending a solveathon at the Norfolk Public Library. At the solveathon we were presented with specific problems that fit the MIT Solve Challenge criteria. Along… Continue Reading →
By DaChawn Kincaid When I boarded the bus to travel 950 miles from my home of Mississippi to Norfolk, Virginia I felt a flurry of emotions running through me. Among those emotions were anxiety, fear, confusion, and excitement to name… Continue Reading →
A Systems Approach: Developing Cross-Site Multiple Drivers to Understand Climate Change, Sea-level Rise and Coastal Flooding for an African American Community in Portsmouth, VA In Summer 2017, ODU hosted a summer research team led by NSU faculty Dr. Camille Okpodu and… Continue Reading →
The ODU-RC team is excited to welcome the NSU research team led by Dr. Camille Okpodu and Dr. Bernadette Holmes as part of an interdisciplinary, multi-institution collaborative summer research project. The project, titled “A Systems Approach: Developing Cross-Site Multiple Drivers… Continue Reading →
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