ODU Coastal Resilience Stakeholder Engagement Project

In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Category Student research

Madison’s observations on conducting door-to-door survey research in Hampton, VA

After surveying in the Hampton Roads area for two days, I was not able to make many significant observations. Having participated in door to door surveying efforts in the past, I was not astonished by Hampton residents’ reactions to our… Continue Reading →

Reflection on Summer Research Experience

(by DaChawn Kincaid) My time here is coming to a close. However, the experience that I have received will more than likely resonate with me for the rest of my academic career. Over this time I have been exposed to… Continue Reading →

Research Presentation – Community Resilience

(by DaChawn Kincaid) Over the course of my time here at ODU I have been researching the concept of resilience. As my final task I was asked to present my findings and engage in conversation afterwards.  During my presentation I… Continue Reading →

Participant Observation: Homeland Security Planners Course

In June 2018, the Joint Forces Staff College/National Defense University hosted a Homeland Security Planners Course at ODU. The 3-day course was held at the ODU Tri-Cities Center and the Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center (VMASC). DaChawn was allowed… Continue Reading →

A Solveathon Experience

(By DaChawn Kincaid) On May 31, 2018 I and many others had the privilege of attending a solveathon at the Norfolk Public Library. At the solveathon we were presented with specific problems that fit the MIT Solve Challenge criteria. Along… Continue Reading →

Reflections on the first two weeks of SUMREX at ODU

By DaChawn Kincaid When I boarded the bus to travel 950 miles from my home of Mississippi to Norfolk, Virginia I felt a flurry of emotions running through me. Among those emotions were anxiety, fear, confusion, and excitement to name… Continue Reading →

NSU-ODU Collaborative Research Project Summary

A Systems Approach:  Developing Cross-Site Multiple Drivers to Understand Climate Change, Sea-level Rise and Coastal Flooding for an African American Community in Portsmouth, VA In Summer 2017, ODU hosted a summer research team led by NSU faculty Dr. Camille Okpodu and… Continue Reading →

Kicking Off Interdisciplinary, Multi-institutional Collaborative Research on Social-Ecological Resilience

The ODU-RC team is excited to welcome the NSU research team led by Dr. Camille Okpodu and Dr. Bernadette Holmes as part of an interdisciplinary, multi-institution collaborative summer research project.  The project, titled “A Systems Approach:  Developing Cross-Site Multiple Drivers… Continue Reading →

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