Research Integrity Officer & Reporting Misconduct

The Research Integrity Officer (RIO) is the institutional official responsible for assessing allegations of misconduct, conducting an investigation for determining when such allegations warrant inquiries, and for overseeing inquiries and investigations.The RIO is appointed by the President.  Any and all incidences of suspected scientific misconduct must be reported to the Research Integrity Officer either directly or through the Dean of the College.

  • Some useful terms:
    • Complainant – The person(s) who makes an allegation of misconduct.
    • Respondent – The person(s) against whom an allegation of misconduct is directed.
    • Research Integrity Officer (RIO) – The RIO is the institutional official who is responsible for assessing allegations of misconduct and for overseeing inquiries and investigations.
    • Deciding Officer – The DO is the university official (appointed by the President) who makes final determinations on allegations of misconduct and any responsive institutional actions.  The current DO is Provost Austin Agho.

ODU Research Integrity Officer:
Dr. Yvette Pearson, Research Integrity Officer
Koch Hall 2006-D
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
Ph: 757-683-4423 (office)

The details for investigating research misconduct are found in ODU Policy 1426.  Briefly, the investigation follows a three step process, with the Complainant, Respondent, RIO, and DO involved in every step of the process.  When an allegation of misconduct is made, the RIO determines whether an allegation falls within the definition of scientific misconduct.  Second an inquiry is conducted by either the RIO or a committee to determine if there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full investigation.  Finally, if a full investigation is warranted,  a committee is appointed to conduct the investigation.