Interested in preparing for an academic career?
Looking for a summer class?
Want to spend some time preparing your job application packet?
GRAD700: Professional Development is offered in Summer 2022 as an asynchronous 1-credit hour course. This class is intended to help graduate students become better prepared for and able to take charge of their graduate education and the planning of their future academic careers as researchers, teachers, and productive members of both their institutional and disciplinary communities.
Course Objective: Students who are better prepared for and able to take charge of their graduate education and the planning of their future academic careers as researchers, teachers, and productive members of both their institutional and disciplinary communities.
This course is designed to assist students:
• become socialized into the various cultures found in different types of institutions in the academy;
• develop a multidisciplinary support network that can be accessed for information sharing and exchange, advice seeking, discussion, etc.;
• explore whether a faculty position in higher education is a desirable personal and professional goal;
• identify characteristics of successful college/university faculty; and • develop the requisite skills for obtaining a faculty position.
This course counts as 2 non-PFF events toward the Preparing Future Faculty Certificate