Application of Lesbian and Gay “Queer” Criticism

 I chose (again) Christina Rossetti’s, “The Goblin Market” to portray Queer Criticism because of its covert, yet obvious symbolism to lesbianism.  However a noted fact that I learned about queer theory is not all texts that appear homosexual are, but are homo-social meaning there’s strong emotional bond between same-sex persons, in this case, characters, that which creates an atmosphere  in literature that reads as a   lovers’ bond.  My most favorite parts of my essay was when I interpreted the goblins as lesbians and their fruits which have many feminine symbolism are code for breasts and clitorises, but if I wanted to improve my essay I would have included a section on how the goblin merchant men are lesbians, women who work instead of how Lizzie and Laura do not.  I would have included possible ways they have been financially stable because they live alone with no written income which have made it easier for them to hide their sexuality.

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