In the business world, companies without competitors do not necessarily have to have a reasonable price for whatever the company decides to sell. I feel that there should be more of a regulation on that because it allows a company… Continue Reading →
Cybercrime is a more specific type of crime, usually dealing with networks, computer, or any type of device. Criminal Justice overall is where the punishments for said crime will be determined. That is where the overlap is, cybercrime falls under… Continue Reading →
Computers make a huge impact in our world today, it helps us keep data, reach the internet and connect with people faster, and much more. Computers are used by hospitals, government agencies, corporate companies, and law enforcement agencies. Hospitals use… Continue Reading →
Determining the cost of the breach to a business, it all starts with how much information or data was compromised. On average, a business could spend up to four billion dollars due to losing out on personal information of their… Continue Reading →
Create app that rates software. Yacht gps software that is secure. Breaking down possible security threats. Engineering computer software. Risk management. Security consultant. Ethical hacking to understand potential risks. Crypotographer. Use penetration testing. Read over documented logs. Information security analyst…. Continue Reading →
Four ethical issues that arise when storing electronic information about individuals starts with informed consent, if the information will be harmful or not, respect for anonymity, and respect for privacy. Informed consent is a very big issue because the idea… Continue Reading →
My major is Cyber Security, it relates directly to what this course is about. This class is helping me get a better grasp of the basics of cyber security. Four majors that are offered at Old Dominion that could relate… Continue Reading →
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