May 2020 ‘Probing Nanoelectroporation and Resealing of the Cell Membrane by the Entry of Ca2+ and Ba2+ Ions‘ was published in International Journal of Molecular Science! Congratulations to all the authors: Wenfei Bo, Mantas Silkunas, Uma Mangalanathan, Vitalij Novickij, Maura Casciola, Iurii Semenov, Shu Xiao, Olga N. Pakhomova and Andrei G. Pakhomov!
Feb. 2020 Olga Pakhomova was awarded 3-year tenure from Fullbright specialist program! Congratulations Olga!
Feb. 2020 Welcome Giedre Silkuniene and Mantas Silkunas!
Feb. 2020 Andrei Pakhomov presented at Dept. of Medical Engineering, U. of South Florida, Tampa, FL: “Nanosecond pulsed electric field stimulation: From small pores to big-time applications”
Feb. 2020 ‘Electropermeabilization does not correlate with plasma membrane lipid oxidation‘ was published in the Bioelectrochemistry Journal! Congratulations to all the authors: Olga Mitchel, Andrei Pahomov, Maura Casciola, Jolante Saczko, Julita Kulbacka and Olga Pakhomov!
Jan. 2020 Welcome Sayak Bhattacharya!
2020 A. Pakhomov and T. Vernier will co-edit a Special Issue of Bioelectrochemistry on Electropermeabilization,
Dec. 2019 Andrei Pakhomov presented at Inst. of Immunology and Physiology, Ural Subdivision of the Academy of Sciences of Russia, Ekaterinburg, Russia: “Nanosecond pulse stimulation and electropermeabilization: from mechanisms to applications”
Dec. 2019 Federico heads back to Italy to finish his Master’s Degree! Good luck Fede!

Nov. 2019 Goodbye Maura! Maura has been in the lab for 5 years and will now start a position at the FDA, we will miss you Maura!

Nov. 2019 Goodbye Wenfei! We will miss you!

Oct. 2019 Andrei Pakhomov presented “Megahertz compression of nanosecond electric pulses for cardiac stimulation and defibrillation” Symposium “Modern Heart Physiology,” 6th Physiology Congress of UIS, Sochi, Russia
Sept. 2019 Welcome Emily Gudvangen!
Sept. 2019 Visiting Ph.D. student Olga Michel from Wroclaw University, Poland received the Student research 1st place Award in Biology at 3rd World Congress on Electroporation 2019, Toulouse, France. Congratulations Olga!
Aug. 2019 Goodbye Tabitha!

June 2019 Andrei Pakhomov presents “Lowering stimulation threshold by megahertz compression of nanosecond pulse bursts” Workshop “Towards an innovative use of ultrashort electric pulses in medicine: from biological effects to therapeutic applications,” BioEM2019, Montpellier, France.
May 2019 Andrei Pakhomov presents “Basics of electroporation and cellular effects of nanosecond pulsed electric fields” International Bio School “Current topics in Radiation Biology”, Obninsk, Russia.
June 2018 Postdoctoral fellow Maura Casciola was awarded the Arthur Pilla Young Scientist Award at the 2018 BioEM Annual Meeting in Portoroz, Slovenia. Congratulations Maura!
June 2018 Andrei Pakhomov presents “Advances in electroporation and activation of cells by nanosecond stimuli” BioEM2018, Piran, Slovenia.
Sept. 2018 Andrei Pakhomov presents “Second phase amplitude determines the efficiency of electroporation by bipolar nanosecond pulses” Bioelectrics 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.
2018 Andrei Pakhomov presents “Cellular and Membrane Effects of Nanosecond Electric Pulses” Pulse Biosciences, Hayward, CA.
Sept. 2017 Postdoctoral fellow Maura Casciola won the Early Career Investigators 1st place Award in Biomedical Engineering at 2nd World Congress on Electroporation 2017, Norfolk, VA. Congratulations Maura!
Sept. 2017 postdoctoral fellow Elena Gianulis won the Early Career Investigators 3rd place Award in Biomedical Engineering at 2nd World Congress on Electroporation 2017, Norfolk, VA.
Sept. 2017 Andrei Pakhomov presents “Going bipolar with nanosecond pulses: How to control bioeffects with the pulse shape”, 2nd World Congress on Electroporation-Based Technologies and Treatments, Norfolk, VA.