Journal Entry 15: Watch this video and think about how the career of digital forensics investigators relate to the social sciences. Write a journal entry describing what you think about the speaker’s pathway to his career.

The speaker Mr. Davin Teo presented a very interesting and detailed view of his profession of Digital Forensics Investigator/Consultant. I correlate the social sciences and this profession of a Digital Forensics Investigator needs to have an advanced understanding of people, motives and circumstances that the social sciences can provide insight and behavioral theories that would…

Journal 14:  Eleven Things Internet Users do That may be Illegal. ( Review what the author says and write a paragraph describing the five most serious violations and why you think those offenses are serious.)

In reading the required article for today’s journal entry, I believe the 5 most serious points are: All of the points on the list are threats, but these 5 are the worst in my opinion. I think the use of all of these could lead to illegal activity, or could cause harm. In reading cybersecurity…

Journal #13

 Write a summary reaction to the use of the Bug Bounty policies in your journal.  Bug Bounty policies are beneficial for all types and sizes of businesses. Hackers could come from diverse backgrounds, and operate at different price points according to experience. By employing different hackers through the Bug Bounty experience, this could lead to…

Journal Entry #12 Read”SAMPLE DATA BREACH NOTIFICATION” and describe how two different economics theories and two different social sciences theories relate to the letter.

In reading the “Sample Data Breach Notification Letter” I thought of the Laissez-fare economic theory – where the government shall not affect Laissez-fare economic theory – where the government responds to particular events that happen, but does not in any way offer up how to prevent these same types of events in the future. Another…

Journal Entry 11: How Cybersecurity Analyst Job Relates to Social Behaviors

In watching the video required for feedback, I took special notice of social interactions she detailed for an entry level Cybersecurity Analyst. She takes note of community involvement, networking and even volunteering to gain insight and experience in the cybersecurity field. I agree with her take away points regarding that, and in terms of social…

Jounal Entry 10:

Social Cybersecurity An Emerging National Security Requirement I found the article that was required reading to be very interesting. The title of the article was Social Cybersecurity An Emerging National Security Requirement and it was a great read. It basically highlights why understanding and researching why and how human behavior is being manipulated by…

Journal Entry 9 : Social Media Disorder Scale

In taking the assigned social media disorder scale, I answered yes to three questions. I don’t think I care too much or too little about social media. I am onewho likes to look at everyone else’s stuff but only on Instagram and or Facebook, and posts things rarely. The main reason is because those platforms…

Journal 8 : Do you think the media influences our understanding about cybersecurity?

Media can easily influence our understanding of cybersecurity. Good information as well as bad information can be distributed easily through the media. I have seen so many things online that are definitely opinion, hearsay or “fake news” about events, people, businesses and products. Movies tend to exaggerate timelines and procedures of online hacking or cybersecurity…

Journal 7: 3 Memes that relate to human-centered cybersecurity

Everyone seems friendly online You never know who you are really interacting with Keep in mind that one can be anything online, and proceed with caution, safeguard your information and pay attention. Human-centered cybersecurity acknowledges that humans make mistakes, but being the first line of defense you can make choices that limits your risk factors.

Journal 6: Can you spot 3 fake websites?

I looked up Louis Vuitton bags for sale, and typed that in the google search bag. Many websites came up that said “authentic” Louis Vuitton bags, new or used for sale. One way I could determine if it was a fake website was that the website added words before or after to alter the Louis…