Virginia Business & Professional Women’s Foundation (VBPWF) House
The Virginia Business & Professional Women’s Foundation (VBPWF) House is one of the residence options for students at Old Dominion University (ODU). Located adjacent to the Nusbaum Apartments and across from Gresham Hall on 49th Street, the VBPWF House is a living-learning community for nine female Virginia residents in the Computer Science, Engineering, Math, and Physics fields.
The VBPWF donated the house to ODU in 2008 and it has been used as a residence for students since then. The house consists of 4 double occupancy rooms and 1 single room, for a total of 9 residents. The bedrooms come furnished and the house contains a kitchenette for students to use. To be a resident, students must be female, a graduate of a Virginia high school or community college, have at least a 3.0 GPA, and be a major in either Computer Science, Engineering, Math, or Physics.
- Foundation House, Old Dominion University,, accessed 2021 September 30.